;;; kagi-test.el --- Kagi API tests -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2023 - 2024 Bram Schoenmakers ;; Author: Bram Schoenmakers ;; Maintainer: Bram Schoenmakers ;; Created: 11 Feb 2024 ;; Package-Version: 0.4 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.1") (shell-maker "0.46.1")) ;; Keywords: terminals wp ;; URL: https://codeberg.org/bram85/kagi.el ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; MIT License ;; Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024 Bram Schoenmakers ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ;; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ;; in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ;; to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ;; copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ;; OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ;; SOFTWARE. ;;; Commentary: ;; API documentation: https://help.kagi.com/kagi/api/fastgpt.html ;;; Code: (require 'buttercup) (require 'kagi) (defun kagi-test--dummy-output (text &optional references) "Construct a fictitious result from the Kagi FastGPT API. TEXT is the output text, optionally with a list of REFERENCES." (json-encode (list (cons "data" (append (list (cons "output" text)) (when references (list (cons "references" references)))))))) (defun kagi-test--error-output (&optional msg) "Construct a fictitious erroneous result from the Kagi FastGPT API." (json-encode (list `(data . ((output . nil) (error . (((code . 42) (msg . ,(or msg "Too bad")))))))))) (buttercup-define-matcher-for-binary-function :to-be-equal-including-properties equal-including-properties :expect-match-phrase "Expected `%A' to be equal (incl. properties) to %b, but `%A' was %a." :expect-mismatch-phrase "Expected `%A' not to be equal (incl. properties) to %b, but `%A' was %a.") (defmacro kagi-test--expect-arg (function-symbol num &rest expect-args) "Check the argument NUM of the first call of FUNCTION-SYMBOL. The EXPECT-ARGS correspond to the arguments passed to the `expect' macro." `(let ((args (spy-calls-args-for ,function-symbol 0))) (expect (nth ,num args) ,@expect-args))) (defmacro kagi-test--expect-object (function-symbol key &rest expect-args) "Check the argument NUM of the first call of FUNCTION-SYMBOL. The EXPECT-ARGS correspond to the arguments passed to the `expect' macro." `(let ((args (car (spy-calls-args-for ,function-symbol 0)))) (expect (map-elt args ,key) ,@expect-args))) (describe "kagi.el" :var ((dummy-output "text")) (before-each (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output dummy-output))) (describe "FastGPT" (describe "kagi-fastgpt-prompt" (before-each (spy-on #'message) (spy-on #'kagi--fastgpt-display-result)) (it "converts *bold* markup to a bold face" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output "**bold**")) (expect (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") :to-be-equal-including-properties (propertize "bold" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-bold))) (it "converts bold markup to a bold face" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output "bold")) (expect (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") :to-be-equal-including-properties (propertize "bold" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-bold))) (it "converts $italic$ markup to an italic face" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output "$italic$")) (expect (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") :to-be-equal-including-properties (propertize "italic" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-italic))) (it "converts ```code``` markup to a code face" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output "```echo $*```")) (expect (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") :to-be-equal-including-properties (propertize "echo $*" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-code))) (it "formats references properly" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output "Main text" '(((title . "First title") (snippet . "**Snippet 1**") (url . "https://www.example.org")) ((title . "Second title") (snippet . "Snippet $2$") (url . "https://www.example.com"))))) (expect (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") :to-be-equal-including-properties (format "Main text %s First title %s https://www.example.org %s Second title Snippet %s https://www.example.com" (propertize "[1]" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-bold) (propertize "Snippet 1" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-bold) (propertize "[2]" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-bold) (propertize "2" 'font-lock-face 'kagi-italic)))) (it "inserts the output when requested" (spy-on #'insert) (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo" t) ;; one additional insert call is to fill the temporary buffer ;; for POST data (expect #'insert :to-have-been-called-times 2) (expect #'insert :to-have-been-called-with dummy-output)) (it "does not insert the output by default" (spy-on #'insert) (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") ;; one insert call is to fill the temporary buffer for POST ;; data (expect #'insert :to-have-been-called-times 1)) (it "shows short output in the echo area when called interactively" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output dummy-output)) (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo" nil t) (expect #'message :to-have-been-called-with dummy-output) (expect #'kagi--fastgpt-display-result :not :to-have-been-called)) (it "shows longer output in a separate buffer when called interactively" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--dummy-output (format "%s\n%s" dummy-output dummy-output))) (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo" nil t) (expect #'message :not :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--fastgpt-display-result :to-have-been-called)) (it "makes exactly one API call" (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") (expect #'kagi--call-api :to-have-been-called-times 1)) (it "handles empty output and returned errors from the API gracefully" (spy-on #'kagi--call-api :and-return-value (kagi-test--error-output)) (spy-on #'kagi--fastgpt :and-call-through) (expect (kagi-fastgpt-prompt "foo") :to-throw) (expect (spy-context-thrown-signal (spy-calls-most-recent #'kagi--fastgpt)) :to-equal '(error "Too bad (42)")))) (describe "kagi-translate" (before-each (spy-on #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt)) (it "calls kagi-fastgpt-prompt non-interactively with target language in prompt" (kagi-translate "hello" "toki pona") (expect #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt :to-have-been-called-times 1) ;; not going to test the exact phrasing of the prompt, but ;; at least 'toki pona' has to appear. (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "toki pona") ;; called non-interactively (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal nil)) (it "calls kagi-fastgpt-prompt non-interactively with source and target language in prompt" (kagi-translate "bonjour" "toki pona" "French") ;; has 'toki pona' in the prompt (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "toki pona") ;; and has French in the prompt (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "French") ;; called non-interactively (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal nil)) (it "passes the region text to kagi-fastgpt-prompt, if active" (spy-on #'use-region-p :and-return-value t) (spy-on #'buffer-substring-no-properties :and-return-value "region text") (spy-on #'region-beginning) (spy-on #'region-end) (spy-on #'kagi--read-language :and-return-value "toki pona") (call-interactively #'kagi-translate) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "region text") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "toki pona") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal t)) (it "passes the user input if the region is inactive" (spy-on #'use-region-p) (spy-on #'kagi--read-language :and-return-value "toki pona") (spy-on #'read-buffer :and-return-value "user text") (spy-on #'get-buffer) (call-interactively #'kagi-translate) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "user text") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal t)) (it "passes the buffer text if buffer is selected" (spy-on #'use-region-p) (spy-on #'kagi--read-language :and-return-value "toki pona") (spy-on #'read-buffer) (spy-on #'get-buffer :and-return-value t) (spy-on #'set-buffer) (spy-on #'buffer-string :and-return-value "buffer text") (call-interactively #'kagi-translate) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "buffer text") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal t)) (it "raises an error when no text is given" (spy-on #'use-region-p) (spy-on #'kagi--read-language :and-return-value "toki pona") (spy-on #'read-buffer :and-return-value "") (spy-on #'get-buffer) (expect (call-interactively #'kagi-translate) :to-throw))) (describe "kagi-proofread" (before-each (spy-on #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt)) (it "calls kagi-fastgpt-prompt" (kagi-proofread "foo") (expect #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "foo")) (it "passes the region text to kagi-fastgpt-prompt, if active" (spy-on #'use-region-p :and-return-value t) (spy-on #'buffer-substring-no-properties :and-return-value "region text") (spy-on #'region-beginning) (spy-on #'region-end) (call-interactively #'kagi-proofread) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "region text") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal t)) (it "passes the user input if the region is inactive" (spy-on #'use-region-p) (spy-on #'read-buffer :and-return-value "user text") (spy-on #'get-buffer) (call-interactively #'kagi-proofread) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "user text") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal t)) (it "passes the buffer text if buffer is selected" (spy-on #'use-region-p) (spy-on #'read-buffer) (spy-on #'get-buffer :and-return-value t) (spy-on #'set-buffer) (spy-on #'buffer-string :and-return-value "buffer text") (call-interactively #'kagi-proofread) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 0 :to-match "buffer text") (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-fastgpt-prompt 2 :to-equal t)) (it "raises an error when no text is given" (spy-on #'use-region-p) (spy-on #'read-buffer :and-return-value "") (spy-on #'get-buffer) (expect (call-interactively #'kagi-proofread) :to-throw)))) (describe "Summarizer" :var ((just-enough-text-input nil) (just-too-little-text-input nil) (dummy-https-url "https://www.example.com") (dummy-http-url "http://www.example.com") (dummy-ftp-url "ftp://example.com") ;; make pattern matching case sensitive (case-fold-search nil)) (before-all (dotimes (_ 50) (push "a" just-enough-text-input)) (setq just-too-little-text-input (string-join (cdr just-enough-text-input) " ")) (setq just-enough-text-input (string-join just-enough-text-input " "))) (before-each (spy-on #'kagi--call-summarizer :and-call-through) (spy-on #'kagi--display-summary)) (describe "kagi-summarize" :var ((kagi-summarizer-default-language)) (before-each (setq kagi-summarizer-default-language "NL")) (it "returns a summary on minimal text input" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input) :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "makes exactly one API call" (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input) (expect #'kagi--call-api :to-have-been-called-times 1)) (it "throws on just too little text output" (expect (kagi-summarize just-too-little-text-input) :to-throw)) (it "throws an error on too little text input" (expect (kagi-summarize "foo") :to-throw)) (it "throws an error on empty input" (expect (kagi-summarize "") :to-throw)) (it "throws an error on missing input" (expect (kagi-summarize nil) :to-throw)) (it "returns a summary for a valid language code" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "NL" :to-equal dummy-output)) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "NL")) (it "returns a summary for a valid language code with wrong capitalization" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "nL" :to-equal dummy-output)) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "NL")) (it "returns a summary for a valid language name" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "Dutch" :to-equal dummy-output)) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "NL")) (it "returns a summary for a valid language name with different capitalization" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "dUtch" :to-equal dummy-output)) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "NL")) (it "falls back to the default language for invalid language codes" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "VL") :to-equal dummy-output) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "NL")) (it "falls back to the default language for invalid language names" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "Valyrian") :to-equal dummy-output) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "NL")) (it "falls back to English if the default language is invalid" (setq kagi-summarizer-default-language "XY") (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input "Valyrian") :to-equal dummy-output) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "target_language" :to-equal "EN")) (it "returns a summary for an HTTPS URL" (expect (kagi-summarize dummy-https-url) :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "returns a summary for an uppercase HTTPS URL" (expect (kagi-summarize (upcase dummy-https-url)) :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "returns a summary for an HTTP URL" (expect (kagi-summarize dummy-http-url) :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "throws for an unsupported URL scheme" (expect (kagi-summarize dummy-ftp-url) :to-throw)) (it "returns a summary for a valid engine with different capitalization" (expect (kagi-summarize dummy-https-url nil "Daphne") :to-equal dummy-output) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "engine" :to-equal "daphne")) (it "uses kagi-summarizer-engine variable for invalid engine values" (setq kagi-summarizer-engine "Daphne") (expect (kagi-summarize dummy-https-url nil "bram") :to-equal dummy-output) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "engine" :to-equal "daphne")) (it "uses the cecil engine when an invalid engine is configured" (setq kagi-summarizer-engine "steve") (expect (kagi-summarize dummy-https-url) :to-equal dummy-output) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "engine" :to-equal "cecil")) (it "returns a summary when the summary style is requested" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input nil nil 'summary) :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "returns a summary when the take-away style is requested" (expect (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input nil nil 'takeaway) :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "uses the summary style when an invalid format is given" (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input nil nil 'invalid) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "summary_type" :to-equal 'summary)) (it "uses the summary style when an invalid format is configured" (setq kagi-summarizer-default-summary-format 'invalid) (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "summary_type" :to-equal 'summary)) (it "lets Kagi cache by default" (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "cache" :to-equal t)) (it "does not let Kagi cache when no-cache is set" (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input nil nil nil t) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "cache" :to-equal nil)) (it "lets the no-cache argument override the configured value" (setq kagi-summarizer-cache t) (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input nil nil nil t) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "cache" :to-equal nil)) (it "does not let Kagi cache if configured" (setq kagi-summarizer-cache nil) (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "cache" :to-equal nil)) (it "caches by default for an invalid configuration value" (setq kagi-summarizer-cache 'invalid) (kagi-summarize just-enough-text-input) (kagi-test--expect-object #'kagi--call-summarizer "cache" :to-equal t))) (describe "kagi-summarize-buffer" (before-each (spy-on #'read-buffer) (spy-on #'set-buffer) (spy-on #'buffer-name :and-return-value "dummy-buffer") (spy-on #'kagi-summarize :and-return-value dummy-output) (spy-on #'kagi--insert-summary)) (it "returns the summary when called non-interactively" (expect (kagi-summarize-buffer "dummy") :to-be dummy-output) (expect #'kagi-summarize :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :not :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :not :to-have-been-called)) (it "inserts the summary when requested, non-interactively" (kagi-summarize-buffer "dummy" t) (expect #'kagi-summarize :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :not :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :to-have-been-called)) (it "displays the summary when called interactively" (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-buffer) (expect #'kagi-summarize :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :not :to-have-been-called)) (it "inserts the summary when requested, interactively" (spy-on #'kagi--get-summarizer-parameters :and-return-value '(t nil nil)) (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-buffer) (expect #'kagi-summarize :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :not :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :to-have-been-called)) (it "passes arguments to kagi-summary" (spy-on #'kagi--get-summarizer-parameters :and-return-value '(t lang bram random maybe)) (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-buffer) (expect #'kagi-summarize :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :not :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 1 :to-equal 'lang) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 2 :to-equal 'bram) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 3 :to-equal 'random) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 4 :to-equal 'maybe))) (describe "kagi-summarize-region" (before-each (spy-on #'region-beginning) (spy-on #'region-end) (spy-on #'kagi--get-summarizer-parameters :and-return-value '(lang bram random maybe)) (spy-on #'kagi-summarize :and-return-value dummy-output) (spy-on #'buffer-name :and-return-value "buffer-name") (spy-on #'buffer-substring-no-properties)) (it "passes arguments to kagi-summary" (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-region) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 1 :to-equal "buffer-name (summary)") (expect #'kagi-summarize :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 1 :to-equal 'lang) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 2 :to-equal 'bram) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 3 :to-equal 'random) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 4 :to-equal 'maybe)) (it "opens a buffer with the summary" (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-region) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 0 :to-equal dummy-output))) (describe "kagi-summarize-url" (before-each (spy-on #'kagi-summarize :and-return-value dummy-output) (spy-on #'read-string :and-return-value "https://www.example.com") (spy-on #'kagi--get-summarizer-parameters :and-return-value '(nil lang bram random)) (spy-on #'kagi--insert-summary)) (it "passes arguments to kagi-summary" (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 1 :to-equal 'lang) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 2 :to-equal 'bram) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 3 :to-equal 'random) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi-summarize 4 :to-equal nil)) (it "opens a buffer with the summary" (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :not :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 0 :to-equal dummy-output)) (it "opens a buffer with the domain name for an HTTPS URL" (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 1 :to-equal "example.com (summary)")) (it "opens a buffer with the domain name for an HTTP URL" (spy-on #'read-string :and-return-value "http://www.example.com") (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 1 :to-equal "example.com (summary)")) (it "opens a buffer with the domain name for an HTTPS URL ending with /" (spy-on #'read-string :and-return-value "https://www.example.com/") (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 1 :to-equal "example.com (summary)")) (it "opens a buffer with the domain name for an HTTPS URL ending with path" (spy-on #'read-string :and-return-value "https://www.example.com/aaa/") (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 1 :to-equal "example.com (summary)")) (it "opens a buffer with the domain name for an HTTPS URL with subdomain" (spy-on #'read-string :and-return-value "https://abc.example.com/") (call-interactively #'kagi-summarize-url) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--display-summary 1 :to-equal "abc.example.com (summary)")) (it "inserts the summary when requested non-interactively" (kagi-summarize-url "https://www.example.com" t) (expect #'kagi--display-summary :not :to-have-been-called) (expect #'kagi--insert-summary :to-have-been-called) (kagi-test--expect-arg #'kagi--insert-summary 0 :to-equal dummy-output))))) ;;; kagi-test.el ends here