#+title: kagi.el README #+author: Bram Schoenmakers * Introduction This Emacs package provides the following functionalities from the [[https://www.kagi.com][Kagi search engine]]: - FastGPT :: Kagi's open source LLM offering, as a shell inspired by [[https://github.com/xenodium/chatgpt-shell][xenodium's chatgpt-shell]]. - Universal Summarizer :: Summarizes texts, webpages, videos and more. Both functions are accessed through an [[https://help.kagi.com/kagi/api/overview.html][API]]. Before a call can be made, some setup should be done on the Kagi website (see below). * Commands and functions ** FastGPT The FastGPT functionality has only one command: =kagi-fastgpt-shell=. This opens a shell buffer in a new window where prompts can be typed. ** Universal Summarizer - =kagi-summarize-buffer= :: Summarizes the content of a buffer and displays it in a separate buffer. - =kagi-summarize-region= :: Similarly, the text inside the region is summarized and shown in a separate buffer. - =kagi-summarize-url= :: Prompts for a URL of which a summary is composed and displayed. - =kagi-summarize= :: Function to retrieve a summary from a text or URL, to be used from Lisp code. Note that texts submitted to Kagi are subject to their [[https://kagi.com/privacy#Summarizer][Privacy Policy]]. * Installation and configuration kagi.el is not on MELPA (yet?), so for now only Git access is possible. Clone with: : git clone https://codeberg.org/bram85/kagi.el.git /path/to/kagi.el Note that kagi.el has a dependency on the [[https://melpa.org/#/shell-maker][shell-maker package]], which is available on MELPA. You way want to load and configure the package with ~use-package~, for example put the following in your Emacs init file: #+begin_src elisp (use-package kagi :commands kagi-fastgpt-shell kagi-summarize-buffer kagi-summarize-region kagi-summarize-url :ensure nil :load-path "/path/to/kagi.el" :custom (kagi-api-token "ABCDEF") ;; or use a function, e.g. with the password-store package: (kagi-api-token (lambda () (password-store-get "Kagi/API"))) ;; summarizer settings (kagi-summarizer-engine "cecil") (kagi-summarize-default-language "EN") (kagi-summarize-cache t) :custom-face ;; kagi-code defaults to fixed-pitch, but can be overridden as ;; follows: (kagi-code ((t (:inherit org-verbatim))))) #+end_src The token can be supplied directly as a string, but you could write a lambda to retrieve the token from a more secure location (e.g. with the combination of [[https://passwordstore.org/][pass(1)]] and the password-store package that comes with it). ** Kagi API setup 1. Create a Kagi account if you haven't done so already. An account is free, and comes with 100 trial searches. 2. In [[https://kagi.com/settings?p=billing_api][your account settings]], put a balance for the API part (note that this is a separate balance than the subscription). The recommendation is to start with a one-time charge of $5. A single query ranges from 1 to 5 cents typically, depending on the amount of tokens processed. 3. In [[https://kagi.com/settings?p=api][the API portal]], create an API token. Put the result in ~kagi-api-token~ (or write a function to access it securely). ** Embark integration The kagi.el package can be integrated with [[https://github.com/oantolin/embark][Embark]], to easily summarize a buffer, region or an URL. In order to be consistent with all keymaps, and to avoid clashes, the functionality is behind the /K/ prefix key. Press /K s/ to trigger the summarize functionality. Add the following to your configuration to trigger summary functionality with key /K s/: #+begin_src elisp (defmacro embark-kagi-map (name function) "Macro for defining a keymap for accessing Kagi functionality through Embark." `(defvar-keymap ,name :doc "Keymap for accessing Kagi functionality with Embark." :parent nil "s" #',function)) (embark-kagi-map embark-kagi-buffer-map kagi-summarize-buffer) (keymap-set embark-buffer-map "K" embark-kagi-buffer-map) (embark-kagi-map embark-kagi-region-map kagi-summarize-region) (keymap-set embark-region-map "K" embark-kagi-region-map) (embark-kagi-map embark-kagi-url-map kagi-summarize-url) (keymap-set embark-url-map "K" embark-kagi-url-map) #+end_src ** Configuration settings #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results table :colnames '("Custom variable" "Description") (let ((rows)) (mapatoms (lambda (symbol) (when (and (string-match "\\_