;;; plantuml-indentation-test.el --- PlantUML Mode indentation tests -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Author: Raymond Huang (rymndhng) ;; Maintainer: Carlo Sciolla (skuro) ;; URL: https://github.com/skuro/plantuml-mode ;;; Commentary: ;; Test setup is inspired/taken from clojure-mode-indentation-tests ;;; Code: (defun plantuml-test-add-text-and-position-cursor (txt) "Test helper for `plantuml-mode' tests. Add TXT into the buffer, move cursor to the position of the marker ?| and delete the marker." (insert txt) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "|") (delete-char -1)) (defun plantuml-test-assert-block-depth (expected txt) "Test helper for `plantuml-mode' tests. Assert the EXPECTED indentation level for the given TXT." (with-temp-buffer (plantuml-test-add-text-and-position-cursor txt) (let ((actual (plantuml-current-block-depth))) (should (equal expected actual))))) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_bob () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 0 at beginning of buffer." (setq-local plantuml-jar-path plantuml-test-jar-path) (plantuml-init-once) (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 0 "| activate p1 activate p2 foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_0 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 0 at beginning of first line." (setq-local plantuml-jar-path plantuml-test-jar-path) (plantuml-init-once) (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 0 " |activate p1 activate p2 foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_1 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 0 at middle of first line." (setq-local plantuml-jar-path plantuml-test-jar-path) (plantuml-init-once) (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 0 " acti|vate p1 activate p2 foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_2 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 0 at end of first line" (setq-local plantuml-jar-path plantuml-test-jar-path) (plantuml-init-once) (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 0 " activate p1| activate p2 foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_3 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 1 at beginning of 2nd line." (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 1 " activate p1 |activate p2 foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_4 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 2 at beginning of 3rd line." (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 2 " activate p1 activate p2 |foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_5 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 1 at beginning of 4th line." (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 1 " activate p1 activate p2 foo |deactivate p2 deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_6 () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 0 at beginning of 5th line." (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 0 " activate p1 activate p2 foo deactivate p2 |deactivate p1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-current-block-depth_eob () "Test `plantuml-current-block-depth' level 0 at end of buffer." (plantuml-test-assert-block-depth 0 " activate p1 activate p2 foo deactivate p2 deactivate p1 |")) (defun plantuml-test-indent-line (before after) "The common code for the line indentation tests. BEFORE is the text to be inserted into a temporary buffer. AFTER is the expected text after indentation. Both, BEFORE and AFTER need to specify point with char |. The temporary buffer will be put into `plantuml-mode', the char | representing point will be removed from text. The line with the removed | will be indented (just this line!) with two spaces for each level of indentation. Finally, 1) the indented line will be compared with the same line in AFTER 2) the position of point in the indented line will be compared with the position of | in AFTER." (let* ((expected-cursor-pos (1+ (s-index-of "|" after))) (expected-state (delete ?| after))) (with-temp-buffer ;; fix the JAR location prior to mode initialization ;; for some reason, plantuml-mode disregards the setq-local (setq-local plantuml-jar-path plantuml-test-jar-path) (plantuml-init-once) (plantuml-test-add-text-and-position-cursor before) (plantuml-mode) ;; use 2 spaces instead of one tab for indentation (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq-local tab-width 2) (indent-according-to-mode) (should (equal expected-state (buffer-string))) (should (equal expected-cursor-pos (point)))))) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/empty-line-l0 () "Test correct indentation of empty line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line "|" "|")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/bol-notindent-l0 () "Test correct indentation of a not indented line with point at beginning of line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line "|participant A" "|participant A")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/mol-notindent-l0 () "Test correct indentation of a not indented line with point at middle of line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line "parti|cipant" "parti|cipant")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/eol-notindent-l0 () "Test correct indentation of a not indented line with point at end of line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line "participant A|" "participant A|")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/bol-indented-l0 () "Test correct indentation of an indented line with point at beginning of line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line " |participant A" "|participant A")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/mol-indented-l0 () "Test correct indentation of an indented line with point at middle of line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line " parti|cipant" "parti|cipant")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/eol-indented-l0 () "Test correct indentation of an indented line with point at end of line - indentation level 0." (plantuml-test-indent-line " participant A|" "participant A|")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/empty-line-l1 () "Test correct indentation of empty line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line "opt A |" "opt A |")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/bol-notindent-l1 () "Test correct indentation of a not indented line with point at beginning of line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line "opt A |foofoo" "opt A |foofoo")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/mol-notindent-l1 () "Test correct indentation of a not indented line with point at middle of line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line "opt A foo|foo" "opt A foo|foo")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/eol-notindent-l1 () "Test correct indentation of a not indented line with point at end of line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line "opt A foofoo|" "opt A foofoo|")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/bol-indented-l1 () "Test correct indentation of an indented line with point at beginning of line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line " opt A |foofoo" " opt A |foofoo")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/mol-indented-l1 () "Test correct indentation of an indented line with point at middle of line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line " opt A foo|foo" " opt A foo|foo")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-line-indentation/eol-indented-l1 () "Test correct indentation of an indented line with point at end of line - indentation level 1." (plantuml-test-indent-line " opt A foofoo|" " opt A foofoo|")) (defun plantuml-test-indent-block (before after) "The common code for the block indentation tests. BEFORE is the text block to be inserted into a temporary buffer. AFTER is the expected text block after indentation. The temporary buffer will be put into `plantuml-mode'. The whole buffer will be indented with two spaces for each level of indentation. Finally, the indented text in the buffer will be compared with AFTER." (with-temp-buffer ;; fix the JAR location prior to mode initialization ;; for some reason, plantuml-mode disregards the setq-local (setq-local plantuml-jar-path plantuml-test-jar-path) (plantuml-init-once) (insert before) (goto-char (point-min)) (plantuml-mode) ;; use 2 spaces instead of one tab for indentation (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq-local tab-width 2) (indent-region (point-min) (point-max)) (should (equal (buffer-string) after)))) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/package-empty () "Test correct indentation of an empty package block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " package APackage () " " package APackage () ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/package () "Test correct indentation of a package block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " package APackage { A -> B } " " package APackage { A -> B } ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/package-database-nested () "Test correct indentation of two nested blocks, a package and a database. Note: currently the inner database is not indented." (plantuml-test-indent-block " package APackage { database ADatabase { A -> B } } " " package APackage { database ADatabase { A -> B } } ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/alt-end () "Test correct indentation of an alt-end block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " alt choice 1 A -> B end " " alt choice 1 A -> B end " )) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/alt-else-end () "Test correct indentation of an alt-else-end block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " alt choice 1 A -> B else B -> C end " " alt choice 1 A -> B else B -> C end " )) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/opt () "Test correct indentation of an opt block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " opt event triggered A -> B end " " opt event triggered A -> B end " )) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/par () "Test correct indentation of a par block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " par A -> B else C -> B end " " par A -> B else C -> B end " )) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/alt-else-loop-group () "Test correct indentation of combination of alt-else, loop and group. This is taken from the plantuml homepage." (plantuml-test-indent-block " Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request alt successful case Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted else some kind of failure Bob -> Alice: Authentication Failure group My own label Alice -> Log : Log attack start loop 1000 times Alice -> Bob: DNS Attack end Alice -> Log : Log attack end end else Another type of failure Bob -> Alice: Please repeat end " " Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request alt successful case Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted else some kind of failure Bob -> Alice: Authentication Failure group My own label Alice -> Log : Log attack start loop 1000 times Alice -> Bob: DNS Attack end Alice -> Log : Log attack end end else Another type of failure Bob -> Alice: Please repeat end ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/note-as () "Test correct indentation of a note-as block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " note as N1 This is a note end note " " note as N1 This is a note end note " )) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/activate-deactivate () "Test correct indentation of an activate-deactivate block." (plantuml-test-indent-block " activate participant_1 participant_1 -> participant_2 : f() deactivate participant_1 " " activate participant_1 participant_1 -> participant_2 : f() deactivate participant_1 ")) (ert-deftest plantuml-test-block-indentation/activate-deactivate-nested () "Test correct indentation of two nested activate-deactivate blocks." (plantuml-test-indent-block " activate participant_1 activate participant_2 participant_1 -> participant_2 : f() deactivate participant_2 deactivate participant_1 " " activate participant_1 activate participant_2 participant_1 -> participant_2 : f() deactivate participant_2 deactivate participant_1 ")) (provide 'plantuml-indentation-test) ;;; plantuml-indentation-test.el ends here