version: 2.0 # Default actions to perform on each Emacs version default: &default-steps steps: - checkout - run: name: Update APT packages command: apt-get update - run: name: Install prerequisites command: apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre make python git - run: name: Install cask command: curl -fsSL | python - run: name: Make Cask available on the path command: echo 'export PATH="/root/.cask/bin:$PATH"' >> $BASH_ENV - run: name: Run the tests command: make # Enumerated list of Emacs versions jobs: test-emacs-25: docker: - image: silex/emacs:25 entrypoint: bash <<: *default-steps test-emacs-26: docker: - image: silex/emacs:26.0 entrypoint: bash <<: *default-steps test-emacs-master: docker: - image: silex/emacs:master entrypoint: bash <<: *default-steps # Executing in parallel workflows: version: 2 ci-test-matrix: jobs: - test-emacs-25 - test-emacs-26 - test-emacs-master