; See https://cdn.rawgit.com/bram85/topydo/master/docs/index.html#Configuration for more info [topydo] default_command = ls ; filename = todo.txt ; archive_filename = done.txt colors = auto ; identifiers can be 'linenumber' or 'text' identifiers = linenumber identifier_alphabet = 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz backup_count = 5 auto_delete_whitespace = 1 [add] auto_creation_date = 1 [ls] hide_tags = id,p,ical indent = 0 list_limit = -1 list_format = |%I| %x %{(}p{)} %c %s %k %{due:}d %{t:}t [tags] tag_start = t tag_due = due tag_star = star [sort] keep_sorted = 0 sort_string = desc:completed,desc:importance,due,desc:priority ; For calculating importance ignore_weekends = 1 [dep] ; Add parent projects when adding sub todo items append_parent_projects = 0 ; Add parent contexts when adding sub todo items append_parent_contexts = 0 [edit] ; Editor to use for the 'edit' subcommand (overrides the EDITOR environment ; variable, but can be overridden with the TOPYDO_EDITOR environment variable ; or the -E flag in the edit command) ; editor = vi ; Vim tip: enable completion using your complete todo.txt file. Use this as ; editor command: ; vim -c 'autocmd Filetype todo set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i,k~/notes/todo.txt' [colorscheme] ; Configure colorscheme. Accepted values are: black, [light-]red, [light-]green, ; [light-]yellow, [light-]blue, [light-]magenta, [light-]cyan, white ; [light-]gray, darkgray or numbers from 0 to 255. When number is specified color ; is matched from Xterm color chart available here: ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Xterm_256color_chart.svg ; When using values between 16 and 256, make sure to set colors = 256 in the ; [topydo] section. ; priority_colors = A:cyan,B:yellow,C:blue ; project_color = red ; context_color = magenta ; metadata_color = green ; link_color = light-cyan ; focus_background_color = gray ; marked_background_color = blue [aliases] ;showall = ls -x ;next = ls -n 1 ;top = ls -F '%I %x %P %S %k %{(}H{)}' -N ;star = tag {} star 1 ;unstar = tag {} star ;lsproj = lsprj ;listprj = lsprj ;listproj = lsprj ;listproject = lsprj ;listprojects = lsprj ;listcon = lscon ;listcontext = lscon ;listcontexts = lscon [columns] column_width = 40 [column_keymap] ; Keymap configuration for column-mode gg = home G = end j = down k = up d = cmd del {} e = cmd edit {} u = cmd revert x = cmd do {} pp = postpone ps = postpone_s pr = pri m = mark = mark_all . = repeat 0 = first_column $ = last_column h = prev_column l = next_column A = append_column I = insert_column E = edit_column D = delete_column Y = copy_column L = swap_left R = swap_right = prev_column = next_column = down = reset