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Jacek Sowiński 00d2496e5c Fix focus at the bottom and the top of the column
When scrolling down we need to switch to valign=bottom to properly show
last lines of the TodoWidget at the end of the TodoListWidget. Also
config <Down> key to use 'down' action in default config. Without such
config entry, using <Down> key would not take advantage of valign fix.

Also do not focus dividers when jumping with 'home' shortcut.
2020-11-23 07:35:21 +01:00

515 lines
16 KiB

# Topydo - A todo.txt client written in Python.
# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Bram Schoenmakers <bram@topydo.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import configparser
import os
import re
import shlex
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import accumulate
from string import ascii_lowercase
from topydo.lib.Color import Color
def home_config_path(p_filename):
return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), p_filename)
class ConfigError(Exception):
def __init__(self, p_text):
self.text = p_text
def __str__(self):
return self.text
class _Config:
def __init__(self, p_path=None, p_overrides=None):
If p_path is given, that is the only configuration file that will be
If p_overrides is given, some options are ultimately overridden. This
is for some command line options which override any configuration file
(such as todo.txt location passed with -t). The key is a tuple of
(section, option), the value is the option's value.
self.sections = [
self.defaults = {
'topydo': {
'default_command': 'ls',
'colors': 'auto',
'force_colors': '0',
'filename': 'todo.txt',
'archive_filename': 'done.txt',
'identifiers': 'linenumber',
'identifier_alphabet': '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
'backup_count': '5',
'auto_delete_whitespace': '1',
'add': {
'auto_creation_date': '1',
'ls': {
'hide_tags': 'id,p,ical',
'hidden_item_tags': 'h,hide',
'indent': '0',
'list_limit': '-1',
'list_format': '|%I| %x %{(}p{)} %c %s %k %{due:}d %{t:}t',
'tags': {
'tag_start': 't',
'tag_due': 'due',
'tag_star': 'star',
'sort': {
'keep_sorted': '0',
'sort_string': 'desc:completed,desc:importance,due,desc:priority',
'group_string': '',
'ignore_weekends': '1',
'dep': {
'append_parent_projects': '0',
'append_parent_contexts': '0',
'edit': {
'colorscheme': {
'project_color': 'red',
'context_color': 'magenta',
'metadata_color': 'green',
'link_color': 'cyan',
'priority_colors': 'A:cyan,B:yellow,C:blue',
'focus_background_color': 'gray',
'marked_background_color': 'blue'
'aliases': {
'lsproj': 'lsprj',
'listprj': 'lsprj',
'listproj': 'lsprj',
'listproject': 'lsprj',
'listprojects': 'lsprj',
'listcon': 'lscon',
'listcontext': 'lscon',
'listcontexts': 'lscon',
'columns': {
'column_width': '40',
'column_keymap': {
'gg': 'home',
'G': 'end',
'j': 'down',
'k': 'up',
'd': 'cmd del {}',
'e': 'cmd edit {}',
'u': 'cmd revert',
'x': 'cmd do {}',
'm': 'mark',
'<C-a>': 'mark_all',
'.': 'repeat',
'pp': 'postpone',
'ps': 'postpone_s',
'pr': 'pri',
'0': 'first_column',
'$': 'last_column',
'h': 'prev_column',
'l': 'next_column',
'A': 'append_column',
'I': 'insert_column',
'E': 'edit_column',
'D': 'delete_column',
'Y': 'copy_column',
'L': 'swap_left',
'R': 'swap_right',
'<Left>': 'prev_column',
'<Right>': 'next_column',
'<Down>': 'down',
'<Esc>': 'reset',
self.config = {}
self.cp = configparser.RawConfigParser(strict=False)
# allow uppercase config keys
self.cp.optionxform = lambda option: option
for section in self.defaults:
for option, value in self.defaults[section].items():
self.cp.set(section, option, value)
files = [
# when a path is given, *only* use the values in that file, or the
# defaults listed above.
if p_path is not None:
files = [p_path]
if p_overrides:
for (section, option), value in p_overrides.items():
self.cp.set(section, option, value)
def _supplement_sections(self):
for section in self.sections:
if not self.cp.has_section(section):
def default_command(self):
return self.cp.get('topydo', 'default_command')
def colors(self, p_hint_possible=True):
Returns 0, 16 or 256 representing the number of colors that should be
used in the output.
A hint can be passed whether the device that will output the text
supports colors.
lookup = {
'false': 0,
'no': 0,
'0': 0,
'1': 16,
'true': 16,
'yes': 16,
'16': 16,
'256': 256,
forced = self.cp.get('topydo', 'force_colors') == '1'
except ValueError:
forced = self.defaults['topydo']['force_colors'] == '1'
colors = lookup[self.cp.get('topydo', 'colors').lower()] # pylint: disable=no-member
except ValueError:
colors = lookup[self.defaults['topydo']['colors'].lower()] # pylint: disable=no-member
except KeyError:
# for invalid values or 'auto'
colors = 16 if p_hint_possible else 0
# disable colors when no colors are enforced on the commandline and
# color support is determined automatically
return 0 if not forced and not p_hint_possible else colors
def todotxt(self):
return os.path.expanduser(self.cp.get('topydo', 'filename'))
def archive(self):
return os.path.expanduser(self.cp.get('topydo', 'archive_filename'))
def identifiers(self):
return self.cp.get('topydo', 'identifiers')
def backup_count(self):
value = self.cp.getint('topydo', 'backup_count')
if value < 0:
value = 0
return value
except ValueError:
return int(self.defaults['topydo']['backup_count'])
def auto_delete_whitespace(self):
return self.cp.getboolean('topydo', 'auto_delete_whitespace')
except ValueError:
return self.defaults['topydo']['auto_delete_whitespace'] == '1'
def list_limit(self):
return self.cp.getint('ls', 'list_limit')
except ValueError:
return int(self.defaults['ls']['list_limit'])
def list_indent(self):
return self.cp.getint('ls', 'indent')
except ValueError:
return int(self.defaults['ls']['indent'])
def keep_sorted(self):
return self.cp.getboolean('sort', 'keep_sorted')
except ValueError:
return self.defaults['sort']['keep_sorted'] == '1'
def sort_string(self):
return self.cp.get('sort', 'sort_string')
def group_string(self):
return self.cp.get('sort', 'group_string')
def ignore_weekends(self):
return self.cp.getboolean('sort', 'ignore_weekends')
except ValueError:
return self.defaults['sort']['ignore_weekends'] == '1'
def append_parent_projects(self):
return self.cp.getboolean('dep', 'append_parent_projects')
except ValueError:
return self.defaults['dep']['append_parent_projects'] == '1'
def append_parent_contexts(self):
return self.cp.getboolean('dep', 'append_parent_contexts')
except ValueError:
return self.defaults['dep']['append_parent_contexts'] == '1'
def _get_tag(self, p_tag):
return self.config[p_tag]
except KeyError:
value = self.cp.get('tags', p_tag)
self.config[p_tag] = value
return value
def tag_due(self):
return self._get_tag('tag_due')
def tag_start(self):
return self._get_tag('tag_start')
def tag_star(self):
return self._get_tag('tag_star')
def hidden_tags(self):
""" Returns a list of tags to be hidden from the 'ls' output. """
hidden_tags = self.cp.get('ls', 'hide_tags')
# pylint: disable=no-member
return [] if hidden_tags == '' else [tag.strip() for tag in
def hidden_item_tags(self):
""" Returns a list of tags which hide an item from the 'ls' output. """
hidden_item_tags = self.cp.get('ls', 'hidden_item_tags')
# pylint: disable=no-member
return [] if hidden_item_tags == '' else [tag.strip() for tag in
def priority_color(self, p_priority):
Returns a dict with priorities as keys and color numbers as value.
def _str_to_dict(p_string):
pri_colors_dict = dict()
for pri_color in p_string.split(','):
pri, color = pri_color.split(':')
pri_colors_dict[pri] = Color(color)
return pri_colors_dict
pri_colors_str = self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'priority_colors')
if pri_colors_str == '':
pri_colors_dict = _str_to_dict('A:-1,B:-1,C:-1')
pri_colors_dict = _str_to_dict(pri_colors_str)
except ValueError:
pri_colors_dict = _str_to_dict(self.defaults['colorscheme']['priority_colors'])
return pri_colors_dict[p_priority] if p_priority in pri_colors_dict else Color('NEUTRAL')
def project_color(self):
return Color(self.cp.getint('colorscheme', 'project_color'))
except ValueError:
return Color(self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'project_color'))
def context_color(self):
return Color(self.cp.getint('colorscheme', 'context_color'))
except ValueError:
return Color(self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'context_color'))
def metadata_color(self):
return Color(self.cp.getint('colorscheme', 'metadata_color'))
except ValueError:
return Color(self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'metadata_color'))
def link_color(self):
return Color(self.cp.getint('colorscheme', 'link_color'))
except ValueError:
return Color(self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'link_color'))
def focus_background_color(self):
return Color(self.cp.getint('colorscheme', 'focus_background_color'))
except ValueError:
return Color(self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'focus_background_color'))
def marked_background_color(self):
return Color(self.cp.getint('colorscheme', 'marked_background_color'))
except ValueError:
return Color(self.cp.get('colorscheme', 'marked_background_color'))
def auto_creation_date(self):
return self.cp.getboolean('add', 'auto_creation_date')
except ValueError:
return self.defaults['add']['auto_creation_date'] == '1'
def aliases(self):
Returns dict with aliases names as keys and pairs of actual
subcommand and alias args as values.
aliases = self.cp.items('aliases')
alias_dict = dict()
for alias, meaning in aliases:
meaning = shlex.split(meaning)
real_subcommand = meaning[0]
alias_args = meaning[1:]
alias_dict[alias] = (real_subcommand, alias_args)
except ValueError as verr:
alias_dict[alias] = str(verr)
return alias_dict
def list_format(self):
""" Returns the list format used by `ls` """
return self.cp.get('ls', 'list_format')
def column_width(self):
width = self.cp.getint('columns', 'column_width')
if width < 1:
# read default
raise ValueError
return width
except ValueError:
return int(self.defaults['columns']['column_width'])
def column_keymap(self):
""" Returns keymap and keystates used in column mode """
keystates = set()
shortcuts = self.cp.items('column_keymap')
keymap_dict = dict(shortcuts)
for combo, action in shortcuts:
# add all possible prefixes to keystates
combo_as_list = re.split('(<[A-Z].+?>|.)', combo)[1::2]
if len(combo_as_list) > 1:
keystates |= set(accumulate(combo_as_list[:-1]))
if action in ['pri', 'postpone', 'postpone_s']:
if action == 'pri':
for c in ascii_lowercase:
keymap_dict[combo + c] = 'cmd pri {} ' + c
return (keymap_dict, keystates)
def editor(self):
Returns the editor to invoke. It returns a list with the command in
the first position and its arguments in the remainder.
result = 'vi'
if 'TOPYDO_EDITOR' in os.environ and os.environ['TOPYDO_EDITOR']:
result = os.environ['TOPYDO_EDITOR']
result = str(self.cp.get('edit', 'editor'))
except configparser.NoOptionError:
if 'EDITOR' in os.environ and os.environ['EDITOR']:
result = os.environ['EDITOR']
return shlex.split(result)
def identifier_alphabet(self):
alphabet = self.cp.get('topydo', 'identifier_alphabet')
# deduplicate characters alphabet. Use a dictionary, but an ordered one
# to keep determinism.
return list(OrderedDict([(c, None) for c in alphabet]).keys())
def config(p_path=None, p_overrides=None):
Retrieve the config instance.
If a path is given, the instance is overwritten by the one that supplies an
additional filename (for testability). Moreover, no other configuration
files will be read when a path is given.
Overrides will discard a setting in any configuration file and use the
passed value instead. Structure: (section, option) => value
The previous configuration instance will be discarded.
if not config.instance or p_path is not None or p_overrides is not None:
config.instance = _Config(p_path, p_overrides)
except configparser.ParsingError as perr:
raise ConfigError(str(perr)) from perr
return config.instance
config.instance = None