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kagi.el README


This Emacs package provides the following functionalities from the Kagi search engine:

Kagi's open source LLM offering, as a shell inspired by xenodium's chatgpt-shell.
Universal Summarizer
Summarizes texts, webpages, videos and more.

Both functions are accessed through an API.


  1. Create a Kagi account if you haven't done so already. An account is free, and comes with 100 trial searches.
  2. In your account settings, put a balance for the API part (note that this is a separate balance than the subscription). The recommendation is to start with a one-time charge of $5. A single query ranges from 1 to 5 cents typically, depending on the amount of tokens processed.
  3. In the API portal, create an API token. Put the result in kagi-api-token.



The FastGPT functionality has only one command: kagi-fastgpt-shell. This opens a shell buffer in a new window where prompts can be typed.

Universal Summarizer

Summarizes the content of a buffer and displays it in a separate buffer.
Similarly, the text inside the region is summarized and shown in a separate buffer.
Prompts for a URL of which a summary is composed and displayed.

Note that texts submitted to Kagi are subject to their Privacy Policy.

Installation and configuration

kagi.el is not on MELPA (yet?), so for now only Git access is possible.

Clone with:

git clone https://codeberg.org/bram85/kagi.el.git /path/to/kagi.el

Note that kagi.el has a dependency on the shell-maker package, which is available on MELPA.

You way want to load and configure the package with use-package, for example put the following in your Emacs init file:

  (use-package kagi
    :ensure nil
    :load-path "/path/to/kagi.el"
    (kagi-api-token "ABCDEF")
    ;; or use a function, e.g. with the password-store package:
    (kagi-api-token (lambda () (password-store-get "Kagi/API")))

    ;; summarizer settings
    (kagi-api-summarizer-engine "cecil")
    (kagi-api-summarize-default-language "EN")
    ;; kagi-code defaults to fixed-pitch, but can be overridden as
    ;; follows:
    (kagi-code ((t (:inherit org-verbatim)))))

The token can be supplied directly as a string, but you could write a lambda to retrieve the token from a more secure location (e.g. with the combination of pass(1) and the password-store package that comes with it).

Embark integration

The kagi.el package can be integrated with Embark, to easily summarize a buffer, region or an URL. In order to be consistent with all keymaps, and to avoid clashes, the functionality is behind the K prefix key. Press K s to trigger the summarize functionality.

Add the following to your configuration to trigger summary functionality with key K s:

  (defmacro embark-kagi-map (name function)
    "Macro for defining a keymap for accessing Kagi functionality through Embark."
    `(defvar-keymap ,name
       :doc "Keymap for accessing Kagi functionality with Embark."
       :parent nil
       "s" #',function))

  (embark-kagi-map embark-kagi-buffer-map kagi-summarize-buffer)
  (keymap-set embark-buffer-map "K" embark-kagi-buffer-map)

  (embark-kagi-map embark-kagi-region-map kagi-summarize-region)
  (keymap-set embark-region-map "K" embark-kagi-region-map)

  (embark-kagi-map embark-kagi-url-map kagi-summarize-url)
  (keymap-set embark-url-map "K" embark-kagi-url-map)
